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Natural Golden Grass Jalapa Basket and Tray.
It is Handmade with the help of the experience gained with the artisans of the golden grass of Jalapão, Tocantins.


Click here to open the Rima Casa Catalog 2022  for more details.



Natural Golden Grass Jalapa Basket and Tray

SKU: 0881
  • The Project Became when artists and designers focusing on the idea of a social design of relevance and great beauty.
    In the paths of Jalapão, eastern region of Tocantins, there is one
    of the great riches of the state, the golden grass. It is the stem of
    a small white flower of the evergreen family that shines brightly
    under the sun. This kind of gold-toned grass does not exist
    anywhere else in the world.
    Golden grass weaving techniques are passed generationally
    from parents to children, and create a distinctive identity with
    high added value for the Jalapa Collection's products. The
    project worked to bring design and handcrafts closer together,
    creating new products designed with a focus on improving the
    quality of production, maintaining tradition and improving the
    social condition of artisans.

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